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Please be advised that there are currently significant Customs Processing Delays at JFK, NY and Newark, NJ ports of entry.

Please allow plenty of time when placing your orders. During the holiday season, we expect international and domestic postal service delays due to higher demands on the postal network. It is important that you receive your medications, so please be mindful and consider ordering in advance to allow for potential disruptions & delays.

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Our Anti-anxiety class of antidepressant medication are called anxiolytic drugs and are used to relieve symptoms of anxiety due to depression or anxiety disorder alone.

Use the search feature to quickly find the product you are looking for by entering either the active ingredient, e.g. buspirone or the product name.

Anxiolytic medication

Like all antidepressant drugs, anxiolytic medications act directly at the level of the brain to restore the chemical imbalance that causes symptoms of extreme anxiety.
  • Buspirone works by interacting with receptors for the mood enhancing chemical messengers in the brain or neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and noradrenaline, also dopamine and acetylcholine. Buspirone does not act on receptor sites in the brain that are targets for various sedation-causing drugs like benzodiazepines, barbiturates and inhaled anaesthetics. Therefore buspirone exerts its antianxiety effects without sedation, muscle relaxation, and without compromising mental alertness.

  • Tradazone increases the amounts of serotonin and noradrenaline by inhibiting reuptake as well as increasing their activity in the brain. However, it also has sedative properties, by acting on the histamine receptor, which is why it is helpful for treating anxiety.
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